Carolina Chord Connection

Members of The Carolina Chord Connection perform at the Greenville Town Common

I don't read music. Can I still join?

Yes! Skill levels vary among the members.

What type of music does the chorus sing?

The chorus maintains a repertoire of music to meet many different types of performance needs. CCC may be asked to perform anything from the "Star-Spangled Banner" for a patriotic event to more traditional barbershop songs such as "Let Me Call You Sweetheart" at a nursing home. The chorus works on a wide selection of popular songs and medleys arranged in the barbershop harmony style.

What do the harmony parts mean?

The harmony parts correspond to the range of the voice. Tenors generally sing above the lead. The lead part typically sings the melody. The baritone range can sing above or below the lead as this part enhances the harmony. The bass sings the lowest and provides the harmonic foundation of this a cappella or unaccompanied music. Since we are a mixed voice chorus, female and male singing together, you can determine what part to sing based on the range of your voice.

What is the difference between the chorus and a quartet?

The chorus is a large ensemble made up of many singers on each harmony part, tenor-lead-baritone-bass. Some members of the chorus have formed quartets with one singer on each part. A typical performance includes both the chorus and some quartets. Our chorus includes both female and male ensembles.

Do I have to memorize the music?

Yes! In rehearsals, sheet music is used to make sure everything is done correctly: but in a performance all eyes are on the conductor. Sectionals, audio learning tracks, and individual practice help you to learn and memorize the music.

Can I get help to learn the music?

Yes! Many of the experienced members would be glad to help you and someone may be willing to serve as a mentor. Some of the songs have audio learning tracks. You may be able to download songs from a variety of sources to audio devices so you can listen and sing along. 

How many performances does the group do?

A typical year of performances includes between 15-20 "Sing Outs." A sing out is an event, announced well in advance, that includes the entire chorus and sometimes several quartets. Sing Outs are typically at nursing homes, meetings, community events, and special events such as Veteran's Day. The chorus does one large scale show once a year. 

Where are rehearsals?

Rehearsals are held each Monday, except city holidays, from 6:45-8:30 PM in Greenville at the Jaycee Park Building (located in the same building as the East Branch of Sheppard Memorial Library) 2200 Cedar Lane. Sometimes a rehearsal will be held at another location if the Jaycee Building is closed. There may also be several extra rehearsals in advance of the show.

Do you do any fundraisers?

The entire chorus may be hired for a special event but individual members are not paid.

Various established quartets, subgroups of the chorus, may be hired to sing for events. 

Each year the chorus organizes quartets to perform "Singing Valentines" on the day before February 14 and on February 14. Money raised from these performances support chapter activities. 

Do I need special clothes?

Yes. For most Sing Outs the chorus wears a casual shirt with the CCC logo. For some events that require a more formal look the chorus wears a combination of black, red, and white. 

What does it cost to belong?

After you have become a member of Carolina Chord Connection, you need to join the national Barbershop Harmony Society. Go to and look for the "Become A New Member" tab. There are local dues of $10 per month. Other costs are the special clothes as noted above. 

Frequently asked questions...